Wednesday, October 5, 2011


I'll be the first to admit it. I can't cook. And it sucks. Everyone expects a girl to be naturally endowed with these magical cooking abilities. It seems to be some residual feelings left over from the 50's where a girl's right of passage in life was learning how to make her mother's meatloaf. I once made brownies for my now ex boyfriend and he couldn't stop talking about how amazing they were for weeks. Best brownies he had ever had. His girlfriend could cook! It was a box mix. I didn't even put that much effort into ensuring that the batter was fully mixed.

I have to have it brought to my attention that I can't cook far more often than normal people because I am also a vegetarian. For some odd reason that I can't understand, people always end up asking you what you eat if you are a vegetarian. I'll give you guys all a hint- it doesn't include meat. 

I have no idea what they are expecting me to answer, but every time I just shyly try to avoid the fact that I can't really cook much of anything for myself. Most of the time I give up trying to make something that looks like it could be featured on the foodnetwork and I end up making a sandwich, a salad, or frozen lean cuisine meal. This must be the wrong answer to give, because then I always get the blank stare from them that seems to say "A vegetarian that can't cook? She must be severely malnourished."

I'm not fyi. Vegetarian for one year, 8 months, and I haven't died yet!

It's not that I haven't tried. Err cooking that is, not dying. I think I just lack the patience. I watch people do all of this fancy stuff with oil and adding different ingredients at different times and I always wonder how they know what to do so well. People that know how to cook get into this zen like state in which the seem to be getting directions directly from some higher power cooking God that tells them when to take things out of the oven, or when the heat is on too high.  Silly me does the age old "It looks done," technique that without fail ensures that your meal comes out over done or undercooked. In all reality, I can't even cook eggs properly. They stick, they burn, they break. It's a mess every time. And the worst part of it is that making eggs in usually the example people give when comparing how easy something is to make. "It's as easy as making eggs!" Great, I'm doomed.

So yes, I am a vegetarian, I am a girl, and no, I cannot cook. I know what you are thinking, how very unnormal.

On my ipod today:"Love Will Find You" by Storyhill. Such a happy song! Unless you have just gotten out of a long term relationship in which case this is quite possibly the most hideous excuse for music because it sounds like hungry cats screeching in your ears. One of the two.

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