Saturday, October 1, 2011


So today I decided to make coffee because I was lacking motivation to do anything that is of real importance and it seemed like a good thing to do without actually doing anything. You know, "Hmmm I should probably write that paper. But maybe I should get some coffee first, you know, to pick up my energy a bit!" Classic procrastination technique.

Anyways, while doing this I casually comment on how I am the only one of our roommates who drinks coffee. To my utter shock, my roommate replies, "Oh yeah! I never noticed before. How does it feel to be the only normal college student out of the four of us?"

Can you imagine?! Well to this I will just have to tell you all that 1) Since I am the only one who drinks coffee in my townhouse, it is completely unnormal for me to be drinking coffee and 2) I don't care if it's a classic college stereotype to enjoy coffee. I NEED CAFFEINE.

Oh how I miss the days where I wasn't such an addict. I suppose we all have our vices. Mine just happen to be an coffee and an unhealthy addiction to playing Tetris. That game gets me so hooked sometimes that I start seeing tetris pieces in floor tiles.

I've decided that I will end all posts from this point on with whatever song happens to be playing on my ipod that day. Today's song: Jack Johnson "Holes To Heaven." It's raining outside. Jack Johnson must always be playing when it is raining.

Don't be afraid to be unnormal!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Going Through Life Unnormal

How exactly does one go through life unnormal? Easy, just look at what everyone else is doing and do the opposite. I spent far too many years trying to fit in. Smile this way, wear that outfit, enjoy this music. It was so exhausting. I mean it comes to a point where you can't even be sure what you enjoy and what you've forced yourself into enjoying because other people find it enjoyable and therefore it must be the only thing that can possibly be enjoyable. Take for instance Ugg Boots. I hate them. Really, I do. Why on Earth someone would feel compelled to look like they are wearing furry astronaut boots is simply beyond me. But hey, it became a thing, and so it became everyone's thing, and pretty soon it was either you were in the group wearing giant furry brown marshmallows on your feet, or you were not.

Well my friends, no more! I am here to tell you that it is okay to be unnormal. 

How am I unnormal? Well that's why I'm starting this blog. It seems that everyday I do something that is just plain unnormal. And you all should read about it and totally care about it! Or at least be mildly entertained for half a second reading about my unnormalness. For this first post I will not be giving a story from my day, but instead I am just going to give a quick overview of a few points that I feel are important in knowing about me before you read my further posts:

-I skip when I get excited. I get excited a lot. For instance, just the other day my roommate suggested we should eat ice cream that night and I skip all the way back to our apartment. We eat ice cream nearly every night. It really was nothing special. But never before had we preemptively planned on eating ice cream. Clearly, this situation was different.

-I enjoy eating waffles far more than is really necessary. They are just so good! If I don't get my waffles in the morning...oh man...

-I have strange OCD like tendencies.For instance, I hate it when all the clocks in a room have a slightly different time. I find it to be so distracting. I am completely willing to make a fool of myself in order to change all of the clocks in a room to the same time. Don't judge me. Actually, I don't care if you judge me. Just make sure all of your clocks have the same time.

-I have a strange affinity for the color purple. When I'm walking in a store it really does not matter what the 
product is, if it comes in purple I feel extremely compelled to buy it. Ice cream maker, ruler, lamp, it really does not matter. If it's in purple, I will buy it (okay maybe that's an exaggeration, but hey it's my blog I can say whatever I want to and you have to believe me because you have no other option! so ha I win! By default, but I still win.)

-I don't own any purple clothing. Don't ask me, this confuses me as well.

-I love cats. I am not ashamed to say that I will most likely grow up to be one of those crazy cat ladies. Why not? They always seem perfectly content with their lives. Plus, I think cats are on a positive streak after lolcats came about. Maybe sometime in the near future being a cat lady will be the cool thing to do. But then that raises the question of whether I would still become a crazy cat lady if everyone else were doing it. Dang it I need to think of a new profession now.
-I hate romantic comedies. They are neither romantic or comedic. They are just annoying. Same plot. Same jokes. Every. Single. Time. And yet, since I am girl, I am constantly forced to sit through this hour and half to two hour torture, that they claim is entertainment. Honestly, I just want to watch some action packed thriller where some rather senseless fighting takes place and maybe some political drama mixed in, just for fun. But no. I am a girl. I watch the same cookie cutter movie every time. Gee I wonder who she will end up with? Perhaps the guy everyone knows she will end up with far before the movie ends. Please, the anticipation is killing me...really killing me... 

Alright I think you now know basically everything you need to know about me. Stories of my life are to follow, so keep checking in! Or not, I'll write either way really. 

PS: Yes I know that unnormal is not a "real" word. Using a real word in my title would just be so normal. ew.