Thursday, October 20, 2011


Here is the typical cycle of studying that I go through. I'm sure many of you can relate. I always start off with such high expectations, then something happens....

Week Before the Test: I'm going to start today and keep studying everyday until the test. That way my knowledge will slowly build and I won't be as stressed out the day before the test. Well actually the test is still a week away so it won't hurt if I don't start exactly today. Besides, I have other work to do. But first let me check that one thing on the internet....

Three Days Before the Test: Man how did I wait this long!? And how did we cover this much material in such a short amount of time? There is no way I can learn all of this. I should just accept failure. There's no hope now. Besides, a life as a janitor wouldn't be so horrible. I can be one of those nice ones that everyone knows and wants to chat with. Maybe they will even give me a cool nickname like "J the janitor."

One Hour Into Studying, Three Days Before the Test: I've so got this. This material is easy. I don't even know why I was panicking. There is no reason that I can't get an A on this. I'm so smart, there is no reason I can't achieve everything I want in life. Hell, I think I'm going to run for President someday! In fact, I think I can put off studying till tomorrow. It shouldn't be that hard to go over.

Two Days Before the Test: Man how did I talk myself out of studying AGAIN?! There is no way I can learn all of this information in two days. There's too much of it.

Two or Three or Four Hours Into Studying, Two Days Before the Test: Wow this is going way easier than I thought. I'm remembering all of this information pretty easily. Damn I'm smart. I'm going to show all of those other students up! Take that all of you who think I'm weird for switching my desk! What now?!

Day Before the Test: How is it that I just went over this information yesterday, but I can't seem to remember any of it! This is bad. There is no way I can do well on this test. 

20 Minutes Later: I remember it all now! Wow, that came back to me pretty easily. Now I just need to go over that one section I haven't looked at yet.

10 Minutes Later: Oh my God there is a ton of information in this section! There is no way I can remember all of this! Maybe I should drop out and find some sort of street preforming skill. I could be a belly dancer that also preforms magic tricks. People would watch that, right?

10 Minutes Later: That wasn't so bad. I think I've got it all now. There is no part of this test that should trip me up! Well maybe I should review that one thing I can never seem to understand quite as well.

10 Minutes Later: This is way too difficult. It's too late to go to the professor for help now, so there is no possible way I will ever understand this. I'm so going to fail this test. And there is no freaking way people would watch a belly dancer/ magician. That's just stupid. I'm not even good at failing. What's wrong with me?

10 Minutes Later: Ohhhhh now I get it! Why didn't I get that before? I'm so going to ace this test! Good thing too, I don't actually know any magic tricks.

Notice Clock Reads 11: It can't be that late! I still have so much studying to do! Why did I procrastinate so much all week! Darn those cute kitten videos...

Notice Clock Reads 12: Well that's it. I can't take anymore. If I fail, I fail. It is what it is.

On my ipod today: "Riding Dirty" by Chamillionaire. Oh come on, we all need that guilty pleasure song that makes us feel bad ass. In reality the only bad ass thing I do is take extra salt packets from the dining hall. They'll never know....

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