Monday, October 24, 2011

Eye Doctors Part II

Well I actually had my eye doctors appointment today like it was planned to be all along! I'm slightly worried for what new glasses will actually look like on me. It's not as if I could sit back and see how they looked on my face. All I could do was press my nose up to the mirror and then turn to my mom with my eyes all squinted, asking her how they look. That's another thing that scares me- my mom likes the pair I picked out. From as early as I can remember me and mom have had the most opposite taste in clothing and fashion as you can imagine. She likes clothing that reads more "LOOK AT THIS SHIRT! IT'S EXTREMELY BRIGHT WITH LOTS OF FLOWERS!" and I well, don't.

I'm not overly worried because the lady helping me to pick out my glasses said she had a flamboyantly gay guy come in yesterday, and he said the pair is "Geek Chic." I didn't know it until that time, but I guess that is exactly what I was going for. Plus, you can always trust a gay guy who knows what's in style. Wish I could have actually met him.

Anyways, after I picked out my new glasses, I had to have an eye exam. As silly as I think the whole part where the eye doctor goes "Is this any better? Better still? How about now?" is, I kind of find it entertaining. I like to try and guess the times where he's actually just showing me the same lens, asking me to pick between the two.Of course I have no idea whether I'm winning this imaginary game, but I can't help thinking like that the whole time."Hmm those two looked different. He's not messing with you. Oh man those two were to similar, it has to be the same lens! I win!"

I've had the same eye doctor since I was a child, and since I've had glasses since 1st grade, obviously by this point he knows me pretty well. Since he knows me so well, he knows there is one part of the exam I dread every time. The eye drops. I hate them. They are freaking freezing and when they hit your eye it causes your whole body to involuntarily spaz out. Plus, I know all the drops are supposed to do is make your eyes dilate, but I swear my whole body gets a little dizzy for at least an hour. Actually it's probably all in my head, but that's what happens.

Each time I go, I try and find a way out of getting the drops. Here is today's (failed) attempt:
"So you have any questions for me today?"
"Do I have to get the eye drops?"
*laughs* "Yes, just like every time."
"But what if I sat here and looked really sad about it?"
"Still have to get them."
"Alright, how about if I looked really cute and smiled like this."
I then smiled really cheesy. I was going for a "how could you give eye drops to this cutie pie" look. It failed.

On the plus side I got to wear a pair of the mad cool disposable sunglasses they give all the way home, because although it has been raining all day, the exact 30 minute drive home it was sunny. Then it started raining again. It's alright though, I got to pretend I was part robot in the car ride home. I was totally rocking the rolly disposable sunglasses underneath my glasses look.

On an unrelated note, I reached 200 views today! Granted it's mostly the same people looking at my blog everyday, but still! Woot! And according to my view tracker thingy, 8 views were from Russia, and 3 were from Germany. How or why these people got onto my blog, I have no idea, but to them I have two things to say: 1.) Welcome to my blog! Or in case you are hopelessly lost and never intended to end up on this site, follow this link because it will take you where you need to go: Where You Need To Go  2.) I'm sorry that my blog is only in English and I speak no Russian. I took 6 years of German, but I don't really speak any of that either. My apologizes. But stay unnormal all the same my overseas viewers!

On my ipod today: "Hangin' Around" by Counting Crows. Story of my life.

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