Thursday, November 17, 2011

Just no...

Sorry I haven't posted lately. Seems life likes to tease me by giving me nothing one week and then giving everything to do the next.

There are certain things I have been noticing lately that I just have to say no to. Really, just no.

Ugg boots and leggings: Let me break this down for you. It is either cold enough to wear ugg boots, or it is warm enough to only wear leggings instead of pants. It is never both. I hate both of these things on their own, but together they make me want to go up to people and say "You are aware of what you are wearing, right?" If you feel compelled to walk out the door like that, just no.

Belly sweatshirts: There has been a growing phenomenon where girls are buying sweatshirts that show off your belly. Again, this confuses me because it is either warm enough to wear a belly shirt, or cold enough to wear a sweatshirt. Never once in my life did I ever feel, "Dang my arms are so cold but my stomach is so hot! I wish there was a piece of really ugly clothing that could solve this problem..." If you feel compelled to buy such a thing, just no.

People who complain about their school: Now I understand, every college has their annoying things. The administration sucks, there is that one professor that is known for making kids cry, you're pretty sure that eating the food is taking years off of your life, ect. But what I don't like is the people that continually bash every aspect of their school. In case this is news to any of you, you don't have to be here! Leave. Really, I guarantee you, no one will care. I'm sure you are just taking the place of someone who would actually love the opportunity to learn and further their education.

People who stop in doorways: I thought I would be done with this problem after high school because I naively assumed that college students wouldn't be as dumb as to stand in the door way. So wrong. Just yesterday as I was attempting to leave class a girl stopped in the door way, turned to say to her friend, "I'll just meet you right here!" I really wanted to respond to her, "Perfect! I've always wanted to spend the rest of my life inside of this classroom. But you know, I don't think the rest of the class would agree with me, so would you mind moving for their sake?" If you need to talk to someone while in a doorway, just no.

Harassing the professor in the middle of class: I really hate those students that sit and quiz the professor on everything in front of the class. It makes everyone uncomfortable and really is just a waste of everyone's time also. What I really want to do in these situations is say to them, "Hey do you have a PhD? No? Then shut up." I know you think that you are smarter than the professor but just, no.

Saying you didn't like the book, even though you've never read it: I really have an issue with people that claim they didn't like the book, even though they only read about a chapter. In 11th grade I remember having to read 1984 by George Orwell, and I loved it. We had to read it over a break, so I came back expecting everyone else to share my enthusiasm. Much to my surprise almost the entire class claimed to "hate the book" and they "couldn't even make it past the first chapter." Now how on Earth could you know whether or not you actually like or dislike a book if you have never finished reading it? It makes no sense.

"I don't read the books, I just watch the movies.": I'll never understand why this statement is said with such pride by some people. It is not a positive thing.You should be embarrassed by this fact, not proud of it. The Harry Potter movies seem to be especially atune to this issue. "I love Harry Potter!" "Really, me too! Which book is your favorite?" "Oh I don't read the books, I just watch the movies. Hahahaha" Oh yeah, hahaha. You now represent all that is wrong with society, congratulations. 

That person that says they hate something right after you excitedly say you love it: I'll never forget the time in 11th grade when I got my brand new hot pink razor cell phone. They were all the rage at the time and I was super exicted because it was pink! I was showing it off to my friends in the lunchroom saying "And it's pink! I love it!" when all of the sudden one of them says, "I hate razor phones. They are a waste." Really? Do people not understand how incredible rude it is to do that? If you feel the need to bring someone down like that, just no.

Girls that wear next to nothing in the winter to go out: I know they are only doing it to attract guys, but I just want to why any guy would find that attractive? I feel like instead of admiring her legs, he should be thinking, "Damn, she was stupid enough to go outside in a miniskirt when its snowing out? Definitely not for me." Unfortunately to say that guy think like that would be giving them too much credit.

I have more, but I think that is good for now. Stay unnormal my friends!

On my ipod today: "Lets Go to the Mall" Robin Sparkles. hehe <3

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