Sunday, October 9, 2011

Running Part II

You know how I said before that I don't really pay attention to things while I am running? Well I almost fell into a pond today. It was only about 80% my fault. Perhaps I should back up first.

Yesterday my roommates and I went up to Wegmans, and while we there we decided to rent a movie at one of those redbox machines. You can only have the movies for 24 hours, which meant that I had to return the movie the next day. Now as you all know from my previous posts, my car is basically a pile of random metal scrape pieces that happen to welded together in a fashion that slightly resembles a working vehicle. In other words, I didn't really want to drive back up to Wegmans just to return a movie.

So today I had the brilliant idea of carrying the DVD in my hand while I went on my run this afternoon. Yeah, I went on my run in the afternoon. That was my first mistake. It's already been unnaturally warm for October, and I decided to go running during the hottest time of the day. I only discovered this crucial mistake when I was already 20 minutes into my run and I wasn't going to turn back at that point. Some people have told me that I have a slight tendency to be a bit stubborn at times. While I vehemently disagree with this, I was getting that freaking movie back even if it killed me.

I also didn't remember that I had to cross a major street in order to get back to Wegmans. So I was forced to cross the street in dehydrated state with cars that drive overly aggressive. I can only imagine I was quite the spectacle while I was crossing the street, since I was both tired and fearful for my life. I must have looked like some crazed escaped criminal who just stole a DVD the way I was running around. Dehydration never has been one of my more flattering looks. I was both tired yet full of adrenaline.
It was only natural then when I came across the final barrier on my quest to Wegmans I got excited and rushed at it with the same enthusiasm  as a child going to Disney Land. At that point, Wegmans was my Disney Land. The only thing standing in my way was a giant hill. That's it! My adventure was almost done!

So I ran up that hill with all my remaining strength, with the help of the adrenaline still pumping through my veins. Just as I get to the top I realized the grass I was expecting to be on the other side of the hill wasn't grass at all. It was water. Not just water, but a ton a water. It was a pond. Full of water. And I was heading towards it with all the momentum of a run away train. I really should pay more attention when I am running.

Unfortunately for myself the other side of the hill kind of just dropped off into this pond that came out of nowhere. If I thought I had a lot of adrenaline pumping through my veins before, it was nothing compared to now. As I inevitably got closer to the water I realized it wasn't just water either. It was NASTY water. This is not surprising since it lies right next to a parking lot, but still I would describe it more as a slightly watery chemical sludge rather than actual water. There was no way I was going in that.

In a desperate attempt to avoid taking a bath in the infected water, which looking back may not have been such a terrible thing if it gave some sort of super power, I grabbed onto a nearby tree. My feet clearly did not get the memo that I had no intention in going into the pond since they continued to travel toward the water. So while my arms held onto the branch, my feel traveled forward and I ended up landing straight on my butt. It hurt like hell, but at least I gave the people driving by on the road an entertaining show.

So you see, it was only 80% my fault that I almost went into the pond. The other 20% was the movie's fault. It was a good movie, but not worth my public humiliation.
On my ipod today: "Love and Memories" by OAR. It was on my ipod at the time I dramatically fell so it only seems natural that it is the song of the day.

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